Elected RSA: 10 July 1829
Mr. Laurence Macdonald, H.R.S.A., died early in March, in Rome, after having spent nearly fifty years of his life there.
Although one of the earliest members of the Academy, Mr Macdonald went to Rome soon after its establishment and as he remained there till his death, he had not the opportunity of doing so much forward the interest of Art in Scotland as he might otherwise have done.
But his works occasionally appeared in the Annual Exhibitions, where they were distinguished by theur chaste character and style. His busts, while most faithful as likeness, are also beautiful works of Art. His ideal works are highly classical in their subjects, full of grace, and carefully correct in form, design, and treatment.
Mr. Macdonald was the best known and most highly appreciated Scottish sculptor who has made his abode in Rome, and he was aver ready to forward the studies and promote the interests of all who paid a visit for pleasure or for profit to the city of the Caesars.
RSA Obituary transcribed from the 1878 RSA Annual Report