Ramsay TaylorPeri-Urban DundeePaperback document20.5 x 25.5 cm
Ramsay TaylorGrowing for the future: A new agricultural typology for the peri-urban edge of Scottish citiesPaperback document21.5 x 28 cm
Ramsay TaylorGrowing for the future: Design DevelopmentPaperback document21.5 x 28 cm
Ramsay TaylorGrowing for the future 1/9Print on Kappa841 x 594 cm
Ramsay TaylorGrowing for the future 2/9Print on Kappa842 x 594 cm
Ramsay TaylorGrowing for the future 3/9Print on Kappa843 x 594 cm
Ramsay TaylorGrowing for the future 4/9Print on Kappa844 x 594 cm
Ramsay TaylorGrowing for the future 5/9Print on Kappa845 x 594 cm
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