Elizabeth Blackadder RSAOrchidaceae - Bulbophyllum rothschildianum, 1987Soft-ground etching and spit-bitten aquatintImage: 61 x 44.5 cm
Framed: 68.5 x 53.5 cmEdition of 50 plus 5 artist's proofs£ 2,400.00 -
Elizabeth Blackadder RSAOrchidaceae - Coelogyne cristata, 1999Aquatint and carborundum print44 x 54.5 cmEdition of 40£ 2,400.00
Elizabeth Blackadder RSAOrchidaceae - Coelogyne cristataEtching and aquatint30.5 x 35.5 cmEdition of 40£ 1,950.00
Elizabeth Blackadder RSAOrchidaceae Laeliocattleya Chinco 'La Tuilerie', 2009Etching60 x 52 cmEdition of 80£ 1,850.00
Elizabeth Blackadder RSAPiazzetta, 1997-1998Etching15 x 17.5 cm (plate)
31.5 x 34 cm (support)1 artist's proof£ 950.00 -
Elizabeth Blackadder RSAPoppies, 2005-2006Hand-coloured etching59 x 76 cmEdition of 60£ 3,200.00
Elizabeth Blackadder RSARome, 2013Etching40 x 32 cmEdition of 40£ 860.00
Elizabeth Blackadder RSASeafood Medley, 2012Screenprint74 x 87 cmEdition of 80£ 2,400.00
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