Elected ARSA: 14 November 1849
John Glass, one of the oldest Associates of the Academy, died on 12th September. Born in 1820, at Edinburgh, he early manifested a predilection for animal painting, for which he had a special aptitude and ability, and he very soon got into notice and practice in that walk of Art, producing a number of important works, in which his feeling for composition and colour was powerfully manifested.
Many years ago Mr. Glass suffered from a nervous affection, and though he recovered from that complaint, his power in painting, to some extent, had left him. He continued, however, to exhibit in the Annual Exhibition, but in these later works little evidence of his former ability was discernible. In disposition he was gentle and unassuming, and was held in much esteem by all who knew him. The President and a number of Members and Honorary Members of the Academy were present at his funeral.
Transcribed from the 1885 RSA Annual Report