Bill Scott PPRSA 1935-2012
Exploration / Mapping, 2010
Bronze, copper
100 x 100 x 10 cm
£ 28,000.00
''Exploration Mapping', unlike Scott’s many enclosed architectural forms, opens up to the sky along a horizontal axis, so that the viewer looks down on an array of beautifully unguarded elements....
"'Exploration Mapping', unlike Scott’s many enclosed architectural forms, opens up to the sky along a horizontal axis, so that the viewer looks down on an array of beautifully unguarded elements. We see an unfolded landscape or perhaps more accurately, a territory that blends both land and sea, set across a ground where the elements float across a surface of indeterminate scale; maybe as expansive as a continental map or as delimited as a museum display. The various elements that Scott uses here speak back to earlier sculptures and common themes, and one can navigate them visually, moving in and around, picking up echoes of architectural structures, bone ‘sculpture’, maritime instruments, or archaeological fragments."
Andrew Patrizio
Andrew Patrizio