Chloe Burbury
3rd PrizeDollar AcademySenior Award- Third Prize Winner The artist: 'Despite the ethereal, calming nature of these self-portraits, the initial experience of casting my own face was rather messy and far less dream-like...Senior Award- Third Prize Winner
The artist: "Despite the ethereal, calming nature of these self-portraits, the initial experience of casting my own face was rather messy and far less dream-like than my final outcome. With plaster stuck to eyebrows or dripping down makeshift binbag overalls, and spending hours holding the delicate masks, carefully carving each individual crack, praying I wouldn’t drop and shatter the entire work, the creation of this piece is an experience I’ll never forget.
I think that’s one of the reasons I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my work. I wanted to create a surreal self-portrait that would explore the fragility and effervescence of emotions. The RSA Schools Art Award has allowed me to share both a piece of myself, and something that will, hopefully, resonate with other people."
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