The Art and Life of Bet Low RSA: City Streets, Scottish Islands and Silhouetted Hills

13 June 2024
RSA Lower Galleries, Gallery 9 Free, booking recommended 2 - 3pm

Join Hildegarde Berwick in the galleries for City Streets, Scottish Islands and Silhouetted Hills, a talk on the art and Life of Bet Low RSA.


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2024 is the 100th anniversary of Bet Low RSA’s birth. Bet was born in Gourock and from 1945 Glasgow became her home after completing her studies at Glasgow School of Art. Her long career started initially creating theatre sets for Glasgow Unity Theatre. The artist is best known today for her tranquil landscape scenes of Scottish islands, particularly Orkney. Bet won many awards throughout her career, including the distinction of election to ARSA in 1988.


Hildegarde Berwick studied History of Fine Art and Psychology at Glasgow University and a post-graduate Diploma at Manchester University. She has held a number of curatorial roles in galleries across Scotland. She has also worked for Scottish charities in a governance role. Hildegarde is now pursuing several projects, including researching the life and work of Glasgow based artist, Bet Low RSA.


Banner image: Bet Low RSA, Green Place, 1962.