Finlay Room, RSA Lower Galleries

Free entry


Muchalls Folk Art is an exhibition of new large-scale paintings in oil by this esteemed Academician. Inspired by memories, travel and recurring motifs from earlier works, these new paintings are a tumbling cornucopia of thoughts and memories depicted in paint. Now retired from his post as Head of Painting at Gray's School of Art in Aberdeen, Sandy Fraser lives and works in Muchalls on the Kincardine Coast.


A renowned portrait painter with works in many public and private collections, Sandy's versatility as an artist is evident in his incorporating and mixing numerous elements including traditional portraiture, abstraction and representational landscape genres into his dreamlike paintings. Utilising a flat plane, vignettes tell stories and suggest situations to keep our eyes moving and our thoughts turning as to what is happening in these large-scale works. A window into the working practice of a master painter.