RSA Lower Galleries

Free entry


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Resident 13 features a dynamic group of artists selected from the most recent RSA Residencies for Scotland, Sabhal Mor Ostaig resdiencies, as well as 10 RSA John Kinross Scholars who have recently returned from their time in Florence. Presented in the RSA Lower Galleries, expect film works, sculpture, painting, installation and more!


The RSA Residencies for Scotland scheme was originally set up to provide valuable research and residency opportunities for artists whilst forging important networks with centers of artistic excellence across Scotland, ranging from traditional residency venues to specialised production facilities. To date, the project has distributed over £130,000 to 52 artists and around 30 venues from Selkirk to Shetland!


The RSA John Kinross Memorial Fund was set up by the family of architect John Kinross RSA (1855-1931) in 1982 and since then has enabled a number of graduates from the Scottish Art Schools a period of travel and research in Florence, Italy each year. For more information, please check the scholarships and awards page of our website.


The Royal Scottish Academy maintains a unique position in Scotland as an independent, privately funded institution led by eminent artists and architects whose sole purpose is to promote and support contemporary Scottish art. In addition to our exhibitions programme, a fundamental role of the RSA is the developmental support of artists towards the creation of new work. Together with partner funders, the RSA offers over £105,000 worth of monetary awards, scholarships and residencies each year to artists at all stages of their careers, in addition to a host of in-kind exhibition, technical access, and studio memberships.


RSA Residencies for Scotland Artists & Sabhal Mor Ostaig Artists:
Alex Boyd | Giovanni Giacoia | Patrick Jameson | Mhairi Killin | Lorna McIntosh | Jessica Ramm | Mary Somerville | Aileen Stackhouse | Katri Walker | Hugh Watt


RSA John Kinross Scholars to Florence:
Ade Adesina | Georgina Bolton | Celyn Bricker | Harry Casey | William Darrell | Sylvia Law | Isla MacLeod | Julie Pallesen | Justin Stephens | Katie Ward