RSA Upper and Lower Galleries
Admission £4/£2 Concession
Publication £5

RSA New Contemporaries is a curated annual exhibition which focuses on the finest emerging artists & architects in Scotland. Now in its fifth year, this exciting show has evolved out of the long standing and much anticipated RSA Annual Student Exhibition which was first held at the RSA in 1976 and marks our commitment to presenting and supporting the best contemporary art in Scotland.

It features 60 graduates selected from the 2012 degree shows by a team of RSA Members, led by Francis Convery RSA, Neil Gillespie RSA (Elect) and representatives of the six schools of Architecture and five main colleges of art in Scotland.


The exhibition is held in all 12 of the magnificent RSA galleries and gives each artist the opportunity to showcase a selection of new work, providing a more comprehensive representation of their practise. Works will include painting, sculpture, film making, photography, printmaking, architecture and installation.


We envisaged that the development of this exhibition will be one of the most important initiatives for emerging artists in Scotland each year, enabling a 'first exhibition' opportunity for some 60 or so emergent artists annually. The exhibition will be an unique opportunity to see the best of Scotland's emerging talent under one roof. Colin Greenslade, RSA Director.


The exhibition will be accompanied by a full colour publication. Many works will be available for purchase. The RSA is part of the Own Art scheme, offering interest-free credit for people to buy contemporary art and craft. For further details visit


List of exhibitors (alphabetically by surname):

Ibraheem Adeyemi Adesina, Ruth Aitken, Sarah Louise Alexander, Rhuaridh Allen, Khalid Alsayed, Heather Anderson, Katy Anderson, Rachel Badger, Andrew Black, Georgina Bolton, Nicola Brennan, Stephanie Burt, Ming Chen, Katarina Chomova, Lucinda Cook, William Darrell, Flora Debechi, Laura Duncan, Rebecca Edgar, Hayley Fisher, Amy Gear, Steven Grainger, Rachel Grant, Mike Hughes, Caroline Inckle, Alice Jacobs, Justine King, Sylvia Law, Kathryn Lloyd, Philip Longstaff, Madeline Mackay, Miriam Mallalieu, Fiona McGurk, Eilidh McKay, Liam McLaughlin, Alexander Millar, Polly Mills, Theresa Moerman, Andrew North, Naomi Ojima, Sophie Radcliffe, Owen Ramsay, Emma Reid, David Sampethai, Tim Sandys, Lisa Schmalstich, Katie Shambles (Bennett), Claire Simpson, Kevin Smith, Nick Thomas, Liam Walker, Sally Webber, Lendita Xhemajli, Harriette Yarrington, Petter Yxell

Laura Barr, Scott Bruce Doig, John Kennedy, Sam Wilson, Philip Zoechbauer.


The RSA are delighted to announce that Walter Scott will be Exhibition Patron and, for the fifth consecutive year, The Skinny will be our Media Partner and our Drinks Sponsors are Drambuie.


About our Exhibition Patron - Walter Scott & Partners Ltd
Walter Scott & Partners Limited was established in 1983 to offer global equity portfolio management to institutional investors around the world. The firm's clients today include pension plans, foundations, public funds and financial institutions. The firm also sub-advises a number of mutual funds and equivalent vehicles in the US, Canada, Europe and Australia. Walter Scott operates from a single office in Edinburgh and since 2006 has been a wholly owned subsidiary of BNY Mellon.


About our Media Partner - The Skinny:
THE SKINNY has been informing people about Scottish culture since 2005, offering a free magazine distributed across Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee focussed on providing listings and independent cultural journalism with a local slant. The magazine has won awards for journalism, had the first word on now leading acts and has made its mark across the board with a range of exciting events, sponsorships and associations.The Skinny has been proud to partner RSA New Contemporaries since the exhibition's inception, offering an annual award to a selected artist which includes a specially organised exhibition alongside extensive coverage in print and online. Last year's winner, Romany Dear, created a series of performances in Glasgow's CCA which sold out across its run. As of April 2013 The Skinny runs two editions, one covering Scotland as before and one covering the Northwest of England, localised to Liverpool, Manchester, and the surrounding areas.