Amy Gear, Ayre, 2012. Photo Abigaile Fraser
Caroline Inckle, Landboat (Detail), 2012. Photo Nathan Mansfield
Miriam Mallalieu, The Library (Detail), 2012
William Darrell, Crown of Light
Georgina Bolton, Hyper Real Vista Boboli Trees, 2012
Ade Adesina, Gorilla In The Mist, 2012. Photo Abigaile Fraser
Katie Shambles, Annihilation, 2012. Photo Jamie Dunn
Lucinda Cook, Still Small Voice (Detail), 2012
Heather Anderson, Mouth for War, 2012
David Sampethai, Science Fiction, 2008
Hayley Fisher, Contrapasso 3, 2012
Kevin Smith, Untitled, 2012
Lendita Xhemajli, 12 Bags of Plaster Chainsawed in Half, 2012
Liam Walker, This Wouldn't Happen In England, 2012
Rachel Grant, Draw the Line, 2012. Photo Jason Ingleson
Madeline Mackay, Caol, Collagraph, 2012
Tim Sandys, Untitled (Crossroads-able), 2012
RSA New Contemporaries 2013
Past Exhibitions exhibition