Finlay Room, RSA Lower Galleries

Free entry


The first in a series of RSA exhibitions focused on architecture, 3×3 looks at the work of the RSA's most recently appointed academicians, the architects Neil Gillespie, Gareth Hoskins and Charlie Sutherland. The exhibition focuses on three projects from each architect that explore ideas underpinning the approach of the architects and their practices, Reiach and Hall Architects, Gareth Hoskins Architects and Sutherland Hussey Architects.


Gareth Hoskins Architects
Reiach and Hall Architects
Sutherland Hussey Architects


ARCHITECT TALK: Thursday 30 June, doors open 6.30pm
3×3: 3 architects, 3 projects, 3 ideas
The RSA's most recently appointed academicians, the architects Neil Gillespie, Gareth Hoskins and Charlie Sutherland describe the creative process involved in recent projects.
RSA Finlay Room | £8 Friends/£10 Non-Members (includes wine)
Contact Sheena Walker or Christine Shuker on 0131 225 3922 for tickets