Octagon Galleries, RSA Lower Galleries

Mon to Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm

Free entry


Exhibitors: Aqsa Arif | Fionn Duffy | Katie Hallam | Rhona Warwick Paterson 


This autumn we are delighted to showcase four artists supported by our Residencies for Scotland programme. 


RSA Residencies for Scotland is an artist-led scheme which provides valuable research and residency opportunities for artists. It forges important networks with centres of artistic excellence across Scotland, ranging from traditional residency venues to specialised production facilities.


View the exhibition online


Aqsa Arif undertook her residency at Street Level Photoworks in Glasgow. Her resulting work explores the dualities of belonging and displacement, and the process of healing through archetypal storytelling, drawing from her personal experiences as a Pakistani refugee in Scotland.


Fionn Duffy split her time between An Lanntair on the Isle of Lewis and the Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Lumsden to develop a body of work centred around Barvas Ware, a milk-glazed pottery made in Lewis in the early 20th century.


Katie Hallam used her time at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop to develop her sculptural practice exploring liminal states and future landscapes. Her new work explores the impact our digital culture and material technologies have on the earth’s surface.


Rhona Warwick Paterson was resident at Cove Park in Helensburgh where she collaborated with dancer and choreographer Eve Mutso to reimagine the Greek myth of Callisto, creating a multi-disciplinary live work that incorporated sculpture, poetry, dance and sound. 


Since 2009, RSA Residencies for Scotland has awarded over £313,000 to 106 artists at 29 venues across Scotland. This artist-led scheme enables a valuable period of research, development and production for visual artists at all stages of their careers, whilst forging important links with centres of excellence across Scotland. We are pleased to be launching the next round of RFS this November. 



Banner image: Aqsa Arif, Lost in the Promised Land (detail)