The Academicians’ Gallery

Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm

Free entry


We are delighted to once again present our Christmas Show.

Featuring works by our Royal Scottish Academicians, many at affordable prices, the exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to peruse Christmas gifts or acquire a new work for your own collection.


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Ade Adesina | Sam Ainsley | Elizabeth Blackadder | Mary Bourne | Alfons Bytautas | Joyce W. Cairns | James Castle | John Grant Clifford | Doug Cocker | George Donald | Kate Downie | Lennox Dunbar | James Fairgrieve | Gareth Fisher | Ronald Forbes | Paul Furneaux | Jo Ganter | Derrick Guild | John Houston | Mhairi Killin | Henry Kondracki | Elspeth Lamb | Eileen Lawrence | William Littlejohn | David Mach | John Mackechnie | Stuart Mackenzie | Neil Macpherson | Norman McBeath | Keith McIntyre | Ian McKenzie Smith | Wendy McMurdo | David Michie | Gordon Munro | Glen Onwin | Toby Paterson | Frances Pelly | Frank Pottinger | Barbara Rae | Philip Reeves | Willie Rodger | Ross Sinclair | Bronwen Sleigh | Marion Smith | Andrew Stenhouse | Arthur Watson | Adrian Wiszniewski


Banner image: Alfons Bytautas RSA, Entrance to a Lane.