Ziggy Campbell, Kev Sim, and Tommy Perman are FOUND.


FOUND explore and remix elements of current cultural practice and popular art forms in their DJ-sets and sound installations and in visual art with a focus on graphic design formats, inventing techniques which result in spontaneous outcomes. They develop their work in relation to local environments with an emphasis on change and elements of chance.


STOP LOOK LISTEN offers a selection of their work to date together with new events and evolving, site-specific projects, based on materials and sounds found at each new destination. In addition, FOUND are soliciting entries to ‘Remix Our Poster’ and will include selected submissions in the exhibition. More details of this at www.surfacepressure.co.uk/stoplooklisten.


The tour publication, including additional CDs and visual materials, provides a document of the exhibition and constitutes a new FOUND piece in its own right. The publication is available from the Royal Scottish Academy – £7 plus p+p.


Collaborating since their final year at Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, Ziggy, Kev and Tommy started FOUND in 2002. The FOUND catalogue records all their artworks, events, workshops, soundtracks and other endeavours under a FND number.
FOUND will perform at the opening on 27th April. The performance will feature on CD2 of the publication during the course of the exhibition.
FOUND will also feature as part of the Triptych Festival and will play the Sub Club, Glasgow on 29th April 9pm


Live Electronica
Saturday 21 May 2005, 3pm, free admission
Sound artist Bill Thompson, recently relocated from Austin, Texas, will bring another twist to FOUND’s work in an electronic live performance based on their sounds. The sounds used to build the performance have been passed back and forth over several weeks between FOUND members (Ziggy Campbell, Kev Sim, Tommy Perman and collaborator Euan Duncan) and Bill Thompson in a playful bout of conflicting aesthetics……..


is toured by PEACOCK visual arts, Aberdeen
and presented by the Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh

STOP LOOK LISTEN is supported by Peacock Visual Arts, Meffan Institute, Angus Council, Royal Scottish Academy, Scottish Arts Council and Aberdeen City Council.