The Academicians' Gallery

Free entry


Conversations with Paolozzi will bring together responses of Royal Scottish Academicians to the Scottish-Italian artist, Sir Eduardo Paolozzi (1924-2005). Timed to coincide with the publication of Paolozzi at Large in Edinburgh (Luath: Edinburgh, 2018), co-edited by Christine de Luca and Carlo Pirozzi, the exhibition considers the impact of Paolozzi’s legacy on art in Scotland today.


Exhibiting Artists: Michael Agnew RSA, William Brotherston RSA, Alfons Bytautas RSA, Doug Cocker RSA, Michael Docherty RSA, Graham Fagen RSA, Paul Furneaux RSA, Eileen Lawrence RSA, James Pattison RSA, Alan Robb RSA, Michael Visocchi RSA, Arthur Watson PRSA


Born in Leith, Paolozzi was a pioneer of the Pop Art movement, bringing a new international modernism to art in Scotland. New work made by Academicians in response to Paolozzi will be exhibited alongside pieces from their archives produced as a result of the artist’s influence. The Academicians’ work will be accompanied by their personal recollections of time spent studying, working and collaborating with the artist. A selection of works by Paolozzi, himself an Honorary Academician, held by the RSA collection – a Recognised Collection of Significance for Scotland – will be exhibited alongside that of the Academicians. Placing Paolozzi in relation to artists currently exerting influence, the exhibition shows the indelible mark he left on contemporary practice in Scotland.


The exhibition is part of the Eduardo Paolozzi Project, coordinated by Carlo Pirozzi.