We are delighted to present the 195th Annual Exhibition of the Royal Scottish Academy, entirely online.

Click here to view the full exhibition.


The Annual Exhibition is the core of the RSA's exhibition programme, and represents the Academy's commitment to promoting excellence in visual art in Scotland. In light of the current extraordinary circumstances, the RSA team has been working hard to ensure that the exhibition goes ahead in an entirely digital format.


The RSA Annual Exhibition is the most extensive exhibition of contemporary art and architecture in Scotland. Having been a mainstay of the academy's calendar since its inception 195 years ago, the Annual Exhibition has evolved over the years, providing a platform for Scottish art alongside international artists, often including topical or political elements, to give an uncensored, independent voice to artists. Nearly all works in the exhibition are available to purchase. Income raised in the Annual Exhibition directly assists artists and the not-for-profit work of the RSA.


This year the exhibition was jointly convened by Delia Baillie RSA and Jessica Harrison RSA and the architecture section convened by Neil Gillespie RSA.


A small selection of works from the exhibition are available to view on this exhibition page.