RSA Upper and Lower Galleries
Admission price £5/£3 concession (ticket price includes exhibition catalogue)
Free entry on Friday's (catalogue £3)


The RSA New Contemporaries, supported by Walter Scott & Partners Limited, represents the RSA's commitment to promoting contemporary art in Scotland. Now in it's ninth year, this carefully curated exhibition offers a unique opportunity to see some of Scotland's finest emerging talent under one roof. Showcasing 66 graduates selected from the 2016 degree shows, this exhibition will feature a wonderful array of painting, sculpture, film making, photography, printmaking, architecture and installation.


The selection was made by exhibition convenor Delia Baillie RSA, with assistance from fellow academicians and representatives from the five main colleges of art. This year the five Scottish schools of architecture are each represented by graduates selected by architecture convenor Charlie Hussey RSA. The RSA is delighted to announce that the exhibition is once again kindly supported by our patrons Walter Scott & Partners Limited and, for the ninth consecutive year, The Skinny is our Media Partner.


The RSA New Contemporaries exhibition will be accompanied by a full colour publication. Many works will be available for purchase. The RSA is part of the Own Art scheme, offering interest-free credit for people to buy contemporary art and craft. For further details visit 


With over £40,000 worth of monetary, residency, studio and purchase prizes, the development of this exhibition is an important initiative for emerging artists in Scotland. The RSA is grateful to all our external award givers who support this commitment to emerging artists, in particular to The Fleming-Wyfold Foundation for the £14,000 Fleming-Wyfold Bursary and exhibition in London, and to William Grant & Sons for the £10,000 Glenfiddich Artist in Residence Award.


21 April - 7 May | David Roberts Art Foundation, London

A selection of works from the RSA New Contemporaries exhibition will be shown at DRAF in London in the fourth annual exhibition New Scottish Artists: a Royal Scottish Academy exhibition supported by the Fleming-Wyfold Foundation. The recipient of the Glenfiddich Residency Award will automatically be selected as one of the exhibiting artists, as will the recipient of the Fleming-Wyfold Bursary. This exciting exhibition provides a significant platform for new Scottish artists in London.  The exhibition is presented in partnership with the Fleming-Wyfold Foundation.


About our Exhibition Patron - Walter Scott & Partners Ltd
Walter Scott was established in 1983 to offer global equity portfolio management to institutional investors around the world. The firm's investment philosophy has remained deliberately unchanged since its foundation. A collective approach to research and investment has remained central to the firm's approach with the close-knit team all based in Walter Scott's offices in Charlotte Square. Those offices are also home to the Walter Scott Art Collection established in 2009. That collection has been built with a focus on emerging talent in Scotland.  As an extension of that focus, the firm has been a proud supporter of the RSA New Contemporaries Exhibition since 2013.


About our Media Partner - The Skinny
THE SKINNY is a free monthly culture and listings magazine which covers Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. Founded in 2005, the magazine offers an informed independent voice with a local slant. The Skinny has been proud to partner with RSA New Contemporaries since the exhibition's inception, offering extensive coverage in print and online.




Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee
Claire Connor, Lily Hassioti, Kieran Milne, Daphne Percy-Chorafa, Lena Phalén, Anna Wallace Reid, Tamara Richardson, Emily Stewart, Jasmine Summerton, Kristian Thomassen, Blake Venus, Jamie Watt, Alison Wright


Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh
Michael Di Rienzo, Joseph Glover, Megan Hampton, Eden Hawkins, James Howden Boyle, Natalie Howlett, Daisy Lafarge, Danny Leyland, Megan Rea, Frances Rokhlin, Doug Stevens, Lucy Wayman, Toby Wilson, Grace Woodcock


University of Highlands & Islands, Elgin & Orkney
Penny Rees, Kirsty Wallace


Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
Timo Aho, Elaine Ang, Camille Bernard, Felix Carr, Georgina Clapham, Sam Drake, Eleanor Elks Herrmannsen, Laura Gaiger, Kitty Hall, Clara Hastrup, Mads Holm, Callum Kennedy, Kirsty Leonard, Ewan Mitchell, Jack O'Flynn, Meg Roberts, Morgan Russell & Jennifer Spangerud, MollyMae Whawell


Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen
Harmony Bury, Elizavet Christodoulou, Rebecca Grant, Dimitra Laina, Henning Stedtnitz, Simona Stojanovska, Luke Vinnicombe, Katie Watson


Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow
Jung Li Foo


The Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Edinbugh
Oliver Beetschen, Shimal Morjaria & Jonathan Piper


Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Architecture, Dundee
Fergus Low, Robbie Miller & Elspeth Tayler


University of Strathclyde, Architecture, Glasgow
Lewis McNeill & Andrew Thomson


The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment, Aberdeen
Daniel Cardno