Award winners in the 196th Annual Exhibition

From solo exhibitions to assistance from master-printers

The RSA Annual Exhibition is the focal point of our year-round exhibition programme and represents our commitment to supporting excellence in the visual arts in Scotland. 


One of the primary ways in which we offer support to artists is through a variety of awards and prizes, both internal and external. These awards range from solo exhibitions in other galleries, to prizes for the best animal drawing.   



Exhibition Awards

Sophie Pauley, Reflect2022, acrylic, oil, gloss on canvas


Sophia Pauley and Christopher Bryant both recieved the Wasps Artist Studio's Award, which grants them each a solo exhibition the Wasps South Block, Glasgow in 2022.


 Richard Brehens, The Croatian Holiday2021, acrylic on canvas


Richard Brehens and Sam Drake recieved the Tatha Gallery Award Winner, offering them a joint two-person exhibition at the Tatha Gallery.


Amy Denis, East Coast 12022, pigment and jesmonite on board


The Scottish Arts Club awarded Amy Denis free membership to the SAC for two years and solo exhibition at their premises in Rutland Square, Edinburgh. 


Artist Opportunities  

Gillian Mather, Love2022, acrylic on canvas

Gillian Mather has the opportunity to produce a limited-edition print project with assistance from an Edinburgh Printmaker master-printer, thanks to their Publishing Award. 


Kirstie Behrens, Manx Beauty - The Passage of Time2022, unique etching


An Talla Solais, an arts centre in Ullapool, awarded Kirstie Behrens the use of a studio for up to 4 weeks, as well as expenses support of up to £250.


 Browse more award winners

10 May 2022
of 42