Help us find paintings by William Gillies

2023 marks a double anniversary of the birth and death of Sir William George Gillies RSA (1898-1973).


To mark these anniversaries, the RSA is supporting the publication of a ground-breaking new book on Gillies. In late 2023, we will also be mounting an exhibition to launch the book and celebrate the life and work of this important and influential artist.


The book will illustrate over 150 works by Gillies, many never seen before in print. Much of them come from the RSA and other publicly accessible collections in the UK. However, there are also several in private collections (plus works by William McCance and John Duncan), which we are hoping to track down.


We are also keen to track down the following items:

1. Catalogue of [First Annual] Exhibition of Modern Art by the Fine Art Society of Edinburgh University and the Edinburgh College of Art, May-June 1936

2. Catalogues of annual exhibitions of the 1922 Group between 1923 and 1930

3. Ceramics (pots, dishes, animals etc) made and/or decorated by Emma Smith Gillies (often marked 'ESG')

4. Harry Harvey Wood's portrait of Margaret Ludwig (Lady Read)


We hope you may own, or be able to help us find these items and the paintings (illustrated below). Please spread the word as far and wide as you can, and thank you for your help with this important project.


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2 June 2022
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