RSA New Contemporaries 2024 Announced

Every year a number of a panel of our Academicians visit degree shows across the Scotland to select the best and boldest works to feature in our acclaimed New Contemporaries show. After a tough few weeks judging, we're delighted to announce the RSA New Contemporaries of 2024...


Glasgow School of Art

Theodore Wilkins-Lang, Laura, Glasgow, 2022


Selected artists

Sasha Ballon | Chloe Beddow | Alexandra Beteeva | Niamh Mairead Cullen-Dunphy | Lily Garget | Finn Gibson | Matilda Glancy | Lily Krempel | Beattie MacColl | Rebecca McCormack-Haigh | Finn Robinson | Finn Rosenbaum | Jamie Scott | Corie Simpson | Amy Strzoda | Chiara van den Horen | Maria Vina Miller | Theodore Wilkins Lang


University of Highlands and Islands                          

Shannon Leslie


Selected artists

Kayleigh Kellas | Shannon Leslie


Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Sara Pakdel-Cherry, Six Feet Under


Selected artists

Marly (Merle) Baker | Isla Davie | Eilidh Guthrie | Dawn Killean | Sara Pakdel-Cherry | Beth Radic | Annamaria Valavaara | Maella Wallace


Edinburgh College of Art

Fyfe Daly, Life in the Court

Selected artists

Harrison Armstrong | Jessica Austin | Olivia-Anna Boden | Mary Bowen | Agnes Brook-Sulman | Fyfe Daly | Pollyanna Esse | Rachel Glen | Madeline Howden | Tim Milner | Saffron Slater 


Gray's School of Art                      

Tama Marie Gray, The Answer


Selected Artists

Zara Deary | Denise DeLauney-Wood | Tama Marie Gray | Roderick Milne | Adrianna Prosowicz | Sarah May Sanger | Dexter Turriff-Davies 



Duncan of Jordanstone

Marcus Myles


Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Stuart Gomes | Tom Carney


Glasgow School of Art                         

Kyle McConnell


Robert Gorden University                        

Sandra Adamczyk


Strathcylde University

Fatema Hassan


23 June 2022
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