Winner announced for the 2024 RSA MacRobert Art Award for Painting

We are delighted to announce that Orcadian artist Steven MacIver has received the 2024 RSA MacRobert Art Award for Painting.


Funded by the MacRobert Trust, the award provides the time and financial assistance for a committed painter whose circumstances have, for whatever reason, made it difficult to focus upon and develop their artistic talent. Steven MacIver will receive £20,000, which will fund a 12-month period of research and development for a new body of work which will be exhibited at the Academy.


Steven’s paintings are built around perspective driven frameworks which create the illusion of space and depth by layering and removing paint. MacIver grew up in Orkney and has spent the past 20 years between London, Rome and Oxfordshire. He intends to use the award funds to explore the theme of ‘homecoming,’ celebrating the diverse natural and cultural heritage of Scotland.


He will examine interior and exterior spaces throughout Scotland, from the structured interior of the National Museum of Scotland to the more domestic space of a bothy in the Cairngorms. MacIver will focus on developing a body of work that unites the various elements of his practice through the juxtaposition of hard-edged, perspective-driven line and natural organic forms.


Steven MacIver said: ‘I am absolutely delighted to have been awarded the 2024 RSA MacRobert Art Award for Painting. I am deeply grateful to the MacRobert Trust and the Royal Scottish Academy for providing this extraordinary opportunity, which will allow me to focus on developing my practice and building a new body of work over the next 12 months. This award is a real honour and I look forward to getting into the studio to begin my project.’

30 August 2024
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