Hannah Imlach, Water Kite on the Arno I, c-type, 2011. RSA Collection.
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How did the experience affect you as an individual?
It increased my confidence.
What was the impact on your practice?
The scholarship provided crucial space and time to develop my creative practice outside of an education context. During the residency I was able to explore approaches to sculptural practice that were research-based and did not rely on access to specific materials and facilities, which proved invaluable during the early years of my career.
What would you say the long term impact has been on yourself and your work?
In Florence I created work inspired by scientific instruments in the Museo Galileo, this interest in the tools of research and exploration has been a sustaining element of my practice ever since!
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The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH2 2EL
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