Version Galore: All Art comes from other Art

8 March - 6 April 2025

The practice of imitation is key to learning, and all artists start by copying. A critical engagement with, and evaluation of, previous artworks and ideas can be a vital element in the early development of an artist's identity. The history of art is filled with ideas, forms, images, symbols, materials and theories to explore, and through reinterpretation and combination, new artworks can begin to emerge.


Version Galore brings together works by third year ECA students who were given the unique opportunity by lecturer Kenny Hunter RSA to research and study RSA Collections first-hand. The RSA Collection was established almost 200 years ago and now contains over 10,000 artworks. It is a dynamic, growing collection build by artists for artists.


Each student artist was asked to select and respond to an individual work from the Collection by making their own interpretation of it, either homage, copy, influence or critique. The resulting works can be seen in this exhibition as well as the items from the RSA Collection that informed their inspiration.