Kirsty Duguid graduated from Moray School of Art, UHI, in 2023 with a First Class Honours Degree in Fine Art.


Through her artwork she explores how memory and experience can affect the relationship between place and identity. Her childhood home, Ploverwards, was a livestock farm located in the north east of Scotland. The farm built the foundations of her identity, but moving to the small town of Keith and working in a bar whilst studying for her art degree allowed her to appreciate the importance of not only where you come from, but also where you are now. 


Kirsty recreates meaningful buildings from her past and present using repurposed materials. Using memories, photographs, and documents as reference she replicates these buildings in the state they were when she experienced them, not necessarily how they exist now. On the farm everything could be repaired or reused. Now, Kirsty adopts this ethos in her practice and uses any materials she has access to. This includes hessian bags, beer boxes and bar towels. By manipulating these materials, Kirsty adds another layer of history to their story as she uses them to share her own. A crossover between her past and present which come together to form her identity.