I studied undergrad in Painting at Gray’s School of Art and am currently studying at Glasgow School of Art doing the MLitt Fine Art practice.


My work focuses on painting and drawing in a photo-realistic way. I enjoy the challenge that it takes to create this illusion because I find the formal qualities of painting – investigation of colour and shape, and what the medium of paint can do – appealing over having any deep conceptual or narrative element.


The main medium I work with is oil paint on canvas and the subject is still life. I focus on reflections, patterns, glass, and mirrors. I use these mirrors and glass as a device to create abstraction within my work, which is a playful contrast to the photorealism.


Currently I have been using glass to distort different patterns, faces and Op Art images; I love the way that different, carefully selected, shapes of glass can morph and change the subject behind in often unexpected and surprising ways.